
57 M came to casualty with c/o generalised  weakness since 1 month ,fever since 1 week,altered sensorium since 3 days. HOPI: Since 1 month he has been complaining of generalised weakness. Since 15 days he has been feeling cold(even though it is summer) and has been switching off all the fans in the house.  He has been suffering with constipation since 10 days. Has not passed stools at all(confirmed by the attender) He did not take any medication for it He also complained of abdominal distension/bloating due to not passing stools. Since 1 week he has fever insidious in onset gradually progressive, high grade. Associated with body pains.Not Associated with chills and rigor. Not relieved with medication.Not associated with nausea, vomiting, burning micturition, headache. Since 3 days -he fell in the washroom two times(on 22/5/1023)and was not able to get up. When his family members found him, he had slurring of speech and altered sensorium.They took him to the Nalgonda government hospital

AKI on CKD stage v urosepsis (resolvin)B/L consolidation of lungs (pneumonia) altered sensorium secondary to?septic enchephalopathy ? uremic enchephalopathy. Type 2 respiratory failure septic shock with grade 2 bed sore

C/C Patient was bought to the casualty on 30/5/2023 in altered sensorium since 1day HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3days back then he had anuria and was taken to the hospital for the same and is diagnosed to have Aki with urosepsis with severe anemia with scrotal cellulitis AKI  with uremic encephalopathy s/p 1unit prbc transfusion Decreased urine output with fever of high grade intermittent, nausea+, vomiting+ and pedal edema+ N/h/o sob,chest pain, palpitations  Patient was treated conservatively and is referred to hospital in view of requirement of hemodialysis Past illness N/k/c/o DM HTN ASTHMA CAD ,TB or EPILEPSY H/o ??CKD 5 years back Personal history  Farmer by occupation stopped since 2 years  Appetite -lost Non veg Bowels -regular  Micturition-decreased since 3 days  Addictions  Occasional alcoholic since 20years stopped 2years back Smoker  stopped 2 years back General examination  HR -115Bpm RR-20cpm Bp-140/70mmhg Spo2. 100% on 5 lit Grbs -96mg/dl CNS  GCS -E2V2M


Title : Clinical predictors and outcomes in patients with sepsis Aim : To understand  the factors influencing outcomes in patients with sepsis Problem statement-Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by a dysregulated immune response to an infection. Despite advances in medical care, sepsis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Early recognition and prompt treatment of sepsis are critical for improving outcomes Therefore, the problem statement for exploring the diagnostic and therapeutic factors influencing outcomes in patients with sepsis is to identify the key clinical, laboratory, and imaging features that contribute to the early detection and accurate diagnosis of sepis Additionally, there is a need to better understand the patient-related factors, such as age, comorbidities on the course and outcomes of sepsis. By addressing these  healthcare providers can develop evidence based approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sepsis, ultima

AMEBIC liver abscess

52M ?AMOEBIC LIVER ABSCESS March 21, 2023 L.Navya pgy1 This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking   his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problms with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome . Chief complaints: Patient with complaints of right sided abdominal pain since 15days Decreased appetite since 15days Decreased sleep since 15days HOPI : Patient was apparently alright 15days back then he had 2 to 3 episodes of vomitings after binge of alcohol(2 bottles of toddy) developed low grade fever, intermittent, not associated with chils and rigors No diurnal variation  No h/o cough, cold, burning micturition, loose stools H/o vomit